Difference between Web Design and Web Development.
Web developer and designer can be found in the same person if I say it is much easy to get them mixed up but if you find separately then they are two different people or say different skill set.
Let’s take a quick introduction of both
A web developer is a person who makes internals or can be called software parts of a system with their coding skill, lets suppose an artificial human, internal functionalities or systematic things can be developed with coding skills so that it functions according to your need.
On the other hand web designer, these are people who make sure about designing part, they are creative enough to understand user’s requirement and mold in the very same manner.
Both web developers and web designers together can be grouped to make a complete website.
Let’s drive through both one by one to get a closer detail difference:
Web designer

Web designers are one who makes your website look fair and stylish according to the needs of your business. They take care of the complete feel of the website by using some software tools like photoshop, they use HTML and CSS to make things look lavish.
Wheels don’t stop here; there are many more points which are covered by web designer they are jotted down the line:
1. UX designer
This can also be called a user-experience designer whose lead role is to engage viewers on your site by molding pages in such a manner that helps to make your visitor attracted towards as they design with data collected from the user’s experience.
Re-think upon the fact if the user will love to use your website then that will be a great impact on them and that may result that they can recommend others and visit your page too often.
2. UI designer
User interface designer is a skilled group who take care of how the user gets easy to go navigation and ease in moving between elements. This group translates complex simulation into easy navigation by taking care of all important aspects which fully fill the user’s requirement.
Well, what is the difference between UI and UX designers?
This question is common and very useful to ask by customers, so the basic difference between these two is UX is based on the customer’s experience and UI is based on the aesthetic part which means how pages look.
3. Visual designer
They are a strong group who are both UI designers as well UX designers, they take care of both by using their visuals creativity in designing an accurate code for making things function in the right way.
They also help to fix the designing issues; as well they have a responsibility to keep the company’s values and tone very clear and concise
Also Read: 10 proven ways to get more engagement in Website
Web developer

In one line, you can understand what the web developer’s role is, they are meant for giving breathes to the web designer’s prototype. They are specialized in web development technologies, they are meant to focus on things that will make users enjoining the activities.
The question must arise in your mind, what is the relationship between a web designer and web development?
Here is the answer to your question, web developers build your boundary or called framework using a scripting language, javascript, jquery which emphasis a smooth running of the website, and then web designer makes it more fascinating with their creative essence.
As we have seen different roles of web designer there are also some specific role for web developer these are stated below
1. Back-end developer
Back-end development required highly skilled people at different server-side language like SQL, java and c++. Work done by them are internal booster which is not being seen by users but they help to work in a smooth manner.
Summarizing their role then I can conclude by saying that, their job requires a critical strategic mindset with deep and strong roots in coding skills .also they spent their brainstorming on fixing bugs
2. Front-end developer
This can be understood as client-side development, this can be termed as the designing part as it involves scripting language like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make user views like forms and other pages.
Summing up the front-end developer’s role then it can be understood in such a way like these are groups of people who are very much flexible with client’s expectations .They know how to code to make leads by making people to ease in navigation and so on.
3. Full Stack Developer
They are rare to find but know as the most expertise one as they possess quality knowledge of both front-end development as well as backend-development .you can call them full package value as they are an all-rounder in terms of web development.
Do you need a developer or designer?
Hello dear readers, now I positively hope that you must have got a clear-cut picture of what you want a developer or a designer.
The key difference is basic, one who makes the outer skull named as a designer, and the second who makes function possible are termed as developers.
Now you must be thinking that what to do when in need of a web development team for your organization, I have a full package solution for you, I will honestly suggest you contact Click Ace for the best quality service of web designing or web development, in short, I can merge up saying they are best at website creation for your business.
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